
French Numbers for Beginners

Introduction to the French Numbers for Beginners

Don’t you think that knowing a lot of different international and regional languages is one of the biggest flexes these days? And every new year we add a new resolution to learn a new language because it makes us look cool and tell us about a different culture. And learning languages simply interests a lot of people. But a lot of times we fail in fulling our resolution and dream of learning a different language because we don’t know where to start from. French is one of the most popular, aesthetically pleasing, and trending these days and people all around the globe wants to learn it. So if you are someone who belongs to this category then this is the article for. In this article, we are going to talk about the basics of the French language and its numbers.

Other than that we have also shared some simple tricks and facts that will make your journey easier and more enjoyable.

Get Started With Numbers in French

Numbers are an important part of the language and every language has its own way of saying words names. To begin with, it would not be wrong to say that numbers in French are a little weird and difficult. To understand the whole concept of number names you just need to crack a trick of mental maths and repetition and in that way, you will be able to earn all the number names. Just a little thing to remember is that large numbers in French are generally spoken as a whole rather than broken down into digits. So you just need to remember the ones of the number chain then you will be able to derive the tens, hundreds, and thousands on your own.

The necessity to learn numbers is that if you ever visit that place then for understanding house numbers, phone numbers, and bills you need to have an understanding of numbers because at the first instance they can be a whole lot of confusion.

French Numbers: Learn How to Count from 1 to 1000 | French Language Blog
Get Started With Numbers in French

How to say 0 to 20 in French

A counting always begins with zero and one so as the very forts step you need to get clear with it. 0 in french is pronounced in a little exaggerated way Z-I-R-O. Learning the numbers to 100 in French can be done systematically. For that, you need to master the first twenty digits, 1 to 20 in a proper way, and actually be heart. The numbers from 0 to 10 are written as ziro, un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf and dix. You just need to remember these and then after that, you just need to apply a very simple formula of maths of addition.

Have a look at the examples for better understanding:

  • 17 = 10 + 7, dix-sept
  • 18 = 10 + 8, dix-huit
  • 19 = 10 + 9, dix-neuf
French Numbers to Count from 1 to 100
How to say 1 to 20 in French

Then from 21 to 50

Now the cycle proceeds a little ahead from 21 to 50. The formula here is also the same but it can be a little tricky. For that, you need to separate words like 21, 31, 41, 51, and 61 first of all because there is a different way for them. You need to join the numbers with the conjunction ”and” or et (ay) in French, as in vingt et un. The first number is the multiple of 10, the second number comes from the ”ones” place. And all the other numbers are connected with the help of hyphens rather than conjunctions.

Heading Towards 51 to 70

Get started by simply dividing the words into two categories like 51, 61, and then the rest of the words. Here also you need to implement the very simple formula of addition and give numbers their names other than that you need to keep in mind which words to connect with conjunctions and which words you need to connect with a hyphen. This is all you need to do and you will be able to master the french counting till 70.

French Numbers Part-2 | Les Nombres | French Counting from 51 to 100 |  Learn French | - YouTube
Heading Towards 51 to 70

Count from 71 to 100

Now comes the last step of the counting that is from 70 to 100. From 70 on, the numbers do not follow quite the same pattern, but they recycle numbers that you already know. In this, you need to repeat the pattern that you have adapted in the previous numbers. You will have to do addition and then remember their french names. The trend of french numbers keeps on changing so you need o keep yourself updated with it.

How to Write and How to Pronounce

While learning a new language we usually forget that it is not only about writing but also reading and speaking in fact that factor is more important. So when you start learning french numbers along with writing then also try to learn how their words are spoken.

Learn how to say French Numbers 1 - 100 (with audio)
How to Write and How to Pronounce

Different Types of French Numbers

Like in English we have different categories of numbers namely rational numbers, unique numbers, compound numbers, primary numbers, and many other kinds the same goes with french numbers as well. In it also there are different categories of numbers that one needs to keep in mind.

Some French Sayings with Numbers in Them

Every language has a lot of sayings of its own. The condition of french is no different in fact there are a lot of french sayings that have numbers in them. So of them that you can keep in your mind are:

  • faire d’une pierre deux coups – to kill two birds with one stone
  • un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu l’auras – a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
  • couper les cheveux en quatre – to split hairs, quibble
  • un de ces quatre (matins) – one of these days
  • le vendredi treize – Friday the 13th
13 French expressions using numbers | Complete France
Some French sayings with Numbers in Them

Regional Differences in Numbers

Words and ascent of a language can change from region to region. And the case is no different in French. The way of speaking and saying out french words and numbers can sound a lot different when spoken by people of different areas or regions.

Little Trick to Learn These Words Easily

Learning a new language is not an easy task but not rocket science at the same time. Here are a few ways by which you can make your learning language a lot easier and enjoyable.

Practice Practice and Practice

All our life we have heard a saying ‘Practice makes a man perfect. So to master the art of speaking and writing french you need to practice on a regular basis. Dedicate at least an hour of the day practicing it and then only then you will be able to learn it.

4 Everyday Tips to Help You Practice Your English | Grammarly
Practice Practice and Practice

Get Indulged with Audios

A language is not only about writing but also reading and speaking. And no matter how much you try you can learn the speaking part of the language with the help of written notes. So get indulged with audios and listen to them, again and again, to be clear about how to speak or say a specific word in the language. Audios are a great way of learning.

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Get indulged with audios

Be Clear with the Basics

Getting clear with the basics is the most important thing whenever you are learning a new thing. It is not only about the language but about all the things and skills. So if you are aimed towards learning french the very first thing that you need to do is sharpen your basic skills the best. A few sets of rules are there that are implemented in all the aspects so learn them so that you don’t face problems in the advanced levels of learning.

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Be clear with the basics

Don’t Lose the Essence

The originality of things helps in maintaining the essence of that things. But sometimes in the race of learning it fast or molding it in your own way we lose the essence of that thing. So while learning french you must keep in mind that you should understand its roots and basics in a very proper way. You should try to keep the original things in your mind.

Focus on Pronounciaion

Pronouncing words be it of any language can be a tricky thing but there is a specific way of saying that word and you should learn that. To practice pronunciation, you should try to indulge more in speaking skills and practice them daily. Try to speak with your friends or in front of the mirror in that language you that you do not say it out in the wrong way.

Pronounciation Archives - HAPPYPRE
Focus on pronunciation

A video that will help you in learning numbers and their pronunciation a lot better

Count from 1 to 100 in French

A Little Entry to The World of French Language

French is a language native to France and belongs to the romance language of Indo-European families. It is also a descendant of the Roman language like all the other European languages and comes from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire. It has a lot of close relatives like the languages historically spoken in northern France and in southern Belgium. French as a language has expanded a lot in many countries across different continents. It has its own organization named Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie for the nations in which French is their official language. It is the second most spoken mother tongue in the European Union. The beginning of the French in Gaul was greatly influenced by Germanic invasions into the country. And this great invasion slowly leads to the development of French as a language.

There are three stages of the development of language old French, middle French, and last modern French. Now it has become a leading world language and is taught in many international universities. And it is similar to English in some terms and one similarity is that it also has 26 letters of basic Latin script in it. What makes French numbers a little different is that you need to have a little knowledge of mental maths and repetition. And now these numbers have different funky counting rules to them.

File:Flag of France.svg - Wikimedia Commons
A Little Entry to The World of French Language

All the about this language you need to know that will help in making your journey much easier

Basics of French language

What Makes French Language Unique

  • French is undoubtdly he most beautiful spoken language
  • What makes it different from other Europena languages like Italian, German and Duth is its unique and flowy pronounciation.
  • It sounds musical and melodoius to the ears of the non-native people.
  • With its unpronounceable “r” and its nasal vowel sounds “en”, “in”, “un” it sounds different from many other languages
  • It is much more challenging than languages like Spanish, German and Italian
  • The asscent of this language is considered pretty and romantic all around the world.
  • The only erm in which it is similar to French is its 26 alphabets like A to Z.
  • In many terms it is also very contrasting to English and can confuse an English speaker who is trying to learn French.
  • A same word can have two different meanings depending on the way and place in which they are being used.
  • The French language has a certain conversational style that sounds like a slurring sound. 

Fun Facts About The Beautiful Language of French

  • A French-speaking person or nation may be referred to as Francophone in both English and French.
  • French is also one of six official languages used in the United Nations.
  • French is the official language of 25 countries other than France and is spoken very prominantely in parts of Europe, Latin America snd Sub-Sahara Africa.
  • 45% of words of modern englisg comes from French or are inspired from it.
  • French is the only language that is spoken in all the five continents of this planet, there is no other language similar to it in this term
  • French has a great number of homophones to it, words that are spelled in a diffeen way but sound similar.
  • From the past itself, French has always been the language of administration nad aerocity and because of its old history 45% modern English words comes from it.
  • French is a very important language when it comes to diplomatic world and is second only to English in these terms.

Q1. Is French language easy to learn?

It would not be wrong to say that be it any language it is not very easy to learn. There is some kind and level of difficulty involved in all of them. But if you are a good English speaker then French will not be a tough task for you. In fact, it is one of the easiest languages to learn for a person who is good with the basics and fluency of English. But there is no learning possible without proper efforts and practice.

Q2. How do you say zero in French?

Speaking a word and writing it down are two completely different aspects. Saying out zero is a little tricky. The E in zero has a symbol on it that changes the way you speak it. It is pronounced like Z-I-R-O. You can get a clearer perspective on it by listening to it.

Q3. How many exams are there for French?

You will need an average of 30 weeks to learn this language. Other than that this language is divided into a total of six levels namely A1 and A2 (elementary); B1 and B2 (intermediate) and CA and C2 (advanced). And to clear each level you need to give an exam. So there are a total of six exams in French.

Q4. Why is French so different to English?

Every language is different from each other and there are similarities in very rare cases only or usually when those languages have a common parent language. The main reason for their difference is their different descendants from which they are derived.

Q5. What are the numbers from 0 to 20 in French?

You simply need to learn from one to ten to get started with like and the same goes for all the other languages. You need to implement the basics of maths. Probably noticed that the numbers 17, 18, and 19 are simple math problems: 17 = 10 + 7, dix-sept. 18 = 10 + 8, dix-huit. By doing this you will be able to derive different counts.

Q6. What are some best French learing insitutes in India?

Learning a thing professionally is far more credible and beneficial than learning it on your own. If you also want to enroll in an institute to learn this language then some of the best institutes for the hat are:

  • Henry Harvin Language Academy
  • Alliance Francaise
  • ILSC (International Language Schools of Canada)
  • Multi bhashi
  • Indian Institute of foreign language

Q7. Top three languages that are spoken in France?

In a country, there are people who speak various languages because it is in no way possible that the complete population of a nation speaks only one language. Three of the most spoken languages in France are French, German, and Arabic.

Q8. How many speakers of French are there in the world?

French is not only spoken in its native country but in many other countries of the world, and that is why there are many speakers of this language. There are approximately 274 million French speakers all around the world.

Q9. What makes French similar and different from other languages?

It is similar and different from other languages at the same time. It is similar to English in terms of the number of alphabets to it like A to Z and some English words are also derived from it. French is similar to the European language because of their same ancestor and the place from which it originated. But there are many differences and the key difference is the pronunciation and the flow that it has. Other than that there’s no other language in which the same word can hold different meanings in different situations but French. It is also contrasting to English in a lot of terms.

Q10. Why is French the most beautiful language?

French is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful spoken languages in the world and what makes it beautiful is its pronunciation and a sense of breeziness in it. Its unprovability of R and then its way of saying vowels makes this language sound beautiful. Other than that from ancient times itself it has always been linked with romance, literature, and culture and this is the reason it is also termed the Roman romance language.

Final Thoughts on French Numbers and Language

Well, who does not want to learn new languages, and if it is French then you simply can’t look in the opposite direction. With the amazing and rapid speed of globalization learning new languages is not only a hobby these days but also a necessity. And in the corporate world if you are multi-lingual then you will always be preferred over a person who is not. And it is not always important that you need to be a scholar in it you can just try to excel in it as per your needs. Then you can slowly improve your skills with time and practice.

And sometimes it happens that we are not in a mood to learn it properly and y bits and pieces then you need to learn all the things all by yourself. This article will help you in kickstarting your journey of learning a new language. So what are you waiting for to get motivated and start learning?

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