Quotes are a great way to learn new things and find motivation. In this article, we are going to talk about some really amazing and meaningful quotes by Osho. Osho, or Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, was a mystic, spiritual leader, and the creator of the Rajneesh movement. In contrast to other Indian teachers at the time, Osho was recognised for his progressive approach to sexuality. His popularity has touched such great heights that even after his death, Osho’s disciples continue to propagate his teachings through the Osho Meditation Centers all over the world.
- A Little Introduction About Osho
- Amazing Quotes by Osho on Different Aspects and Walks of Life
- Quotes about Love, Joy and Happiness
- Quotes about Self and Self Love
- Osho Quotes about Friends and Society
- Quotes about Learning and Enlightenment
- Quotes about Life and Dreams
- Some Random Quotes by Osho to Live By
- Final Thoughts on Quotes by Osho
A Little Introduction About Osho
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, better known as Osho, was an Indian godman, mystic, and founder of the Rajneesh movement. He was born on 11 December 1931 and died on 19 January 1990. Osho has given a lot of teachings to people in form of books and quotes.

Amazing Quotes by Osho on Different Aspects and Walks of Life

Have a look at this video in which Osho talks about why peace of mind is the most important thing
Quotes about Love, Joy and Happiness
उस रास्ते पर मत चलो जिसपर डर तुम्हे ले जाये, बल्कि उस रास्ते पर चलो जिसपर प्रेम ले जाये, उस रास्ते पर चलो जिसपर ख़ुशी तुम्हे ले जाये.
“Don’t walk down the path that has been laid down by fear,
but the one laid down by love,
the one led by your joy.”
“प्रेम का मार्ग बिना किसी अपेक्षा का मार्ग है। प्रेम तभी होता है जब पूर्ण स्वीकृति हो और कुछ भी बदलने की इच्छा न हो”
“The way of love is the way of no-expectation. Love exists only when there is a total acceptance and no desire to change anything”
“केवल वो लोग जो कुछ भी नहीं बनने के लिए तैयार हैं प्रेम कर सकते हैं.”
“Only those who are ready to become nobodies are able to love.”
“जब प्यार और नफरत दोनों ही ना हो तो हर चीज साफ़ और स्पष्ट हो जाती है.”
“When both love and hate are absent, everything gets clear and easy to understand.”
Quotes about Self and Self Love
“आप वही बन जाते हैं जो आप अपने बारे में सोचते हैं।”
“You become what you think of yourself.”
“किसी से किसी भी तरह की प्रतिस्पर्धा की आवश्यकता नहीं है. आप स्वयं में जैसे हैं एकदम सही हैं. खुद को स्वीकारिये.”
“There is no need to compete with anyone. You are perfect just the way you are. You have to accept yourself.”
“जब मैं कहता हूँ कि आपलोग देवी-देवता हैं तो मेरा मतलब होता है कि आप में अनंत संभावनाएं है , आपकी क्षमताएं अनंत हैं.”
“When I say that you are gods and goddesses, I mean that you have infinite possibility and potential.”
Osho Quotes about Friends and Society
“मित्रता शुद्धतम प्रेम है. ये प्रेम का सर्वोच्च रूप है जहाँ कुछ भी नहीं माँगा जाता, कोई शर्त नहीं होती, जहां बस देने में आनंद आता है.”
“Friendship is the purest love. It is the highest form of Love where nothing is asked for, no conditions are made, where one simply enjoys giving.
”यीशु या बुद्ध या एक बोधिधर्म के पूरे प्रयास कुछ भी नहीं है परन्तु उसको केसे मिटा दे जो समाज ने आपके लिए किया है ”
“The whole effort of Jesus, or Buddha, or a Bodhidharma is nothing but how can you undo that which society has done for you.”
Quotes about Learning and Enlightenment
“यह बहुत सीखने का सवाल नहीं है …बल्कि यह बहुत कुछ भुला देने या फिर दिमाग से निकाल देने की बात है.”
“It’s not a question of learning a lot… On the contrary, it’s about forgetting the things that are already their in our head.”
“अर्थ मनुष्य द्वारा बनाये गए हैं . और चूँकि आप लगातार अर्थ जानने में लगे रहते हैं , इसलिए आप अर्थहीन महसूस करने लगते हैं.”
“Meaning is man-made. Since you are on a constant lookout for meaning, you start to feel meaningless.”
“जिस दिन आप ने सोच लिया कि आपने ज्ञान पा लिया है, आपकी मृत्यु हो जाती है- क्योंकि अब कोई आश्चर्य नहीं होगा, ना कोई आनंद और ना कोई अचरज. अब आप एक मृतक का जीवन जियेंगे.”
“The day you think you have acquired all the knowledge, your death becomes imminent – because now there will be no wonder, no joy, and no surprise. Now, you will live the life of a deadman.”
“कोई प्रबुद्ध कैसे बन सकता है? बन सकता है, क्योंकि वो प्रबुद्ध होता है- उसे बस इस तथ्य को पहचानना होता है.”
“How can one become enlightened? One can, because one is already enlightened – one just has to recognise the fact.”
Quotes about Life and Dreams
“यहाँ कोई भी आपका सपना पूरा करने के लिए नहीं है. हर कोई अपनी तकदीर सवारने और अपनी हक़ीकत बनाने में लगा है.”
“Nobody is here to fulfill your dream. Everybody is here to fulfil their own destiny, their own reality. “
“कोई चुनाव मत करिए. जीवन को ऐसे अपनाइए जैसे वो अपनी समग्रता में है.”
“Don’t choose. Accept life in its totality.”
” जीवन ठेहराव और गति के बीच का संतुलन है.”
“Life is nothing but a balance between stillness and continuity.”
“जीवन कोई त्रासदी नहीं है; ये एक विनोदप्रियता है. जीवित रहने का मतलब है हास्य का बोध होना.”
“Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor.”
Some Random Quotes by Osho to Live By
” मूर्ख दूसरों पर हँसते हैं. बुद्धिमत्ता खुद पर.”
“Fools laugh at others. Wisdom laughs at itself.”
“यदि आप एक दर्पण बन सकते हैं तो आप एक ध्यानी बन सकते हैं. ध्यान दर्पण में देखने की कला है. और अब, आपके अन्दर कोई विचार नहीं चलता इसलिए कोई व्याकुलता नहीं होती.”
“If you can become a mirror, then you have become a meditator. Meditation is nothing but a skill in mirroring. And now, you are no longer distracted because there are no thoughts in your mind.”
“जेन एकमात्र धर्म है जो एकाएक आत्मज्ञान सीखता है. इसका कहना है कि आत्मज्ञान में समय नह लगता, ये बस कुछ ही क्षणों में हो सकता है.”
“Zen is the only religion in the world that teaches sudden enlightenment. It says that enlightenment takes no time, it can happen in a single, split second.”

Final Thoughts on Quotes by Osho
Osho spread his thoughts and beliefs about life, learning, dreams, love, and the people in society via various memorable quotes. His progressive mindset shines through his teachings, which are still relevant even in the present day. We hope this article has been a great source of inspiration and has helped you understand life and relationships.