Do you ever think about why do seasons change? What makes the summer go and the rainy season knock on the door. What would it feel like if there was no change in seasons at all and one season remained throughout the year? Well, then you would not be able to enjoy your favorite ice creams and summer fruits and also there would be no rainy days to enjoy the mesmerizing rain falling from the sky. We are lucky that we live in India because India has a great variety of seasons that no other country possibly has. The reason for this is India’s diverse geography.
Different season names of India in English

Summer is the hottest season among the other seasons of India. The summer season comes after Spring and before Autumn. In this season daylight hours are longer and the darker hours are shorter in time. The date of the beginning of the summer season in India is largely based on the Climate, tradition, culture, and location. The Summer season in India usually starts in April and ends in June. Important Indian festivals which are celebrated in this season are Guru Purnima and Rath Yatra.
The winter season is considered the coldest season in India. The Winter season comes after Autumn and before Spring. We know that the tilt of the Earth’s axis is responsible for creating seasons. Hence winter happens when a hemisphere is acquainted away from the Sun.
The winter season in India starts with the start of December and ends with the end of the month of February. It is believed that the Winter season is the best season to visit India as it is cool and calm everywhere.
Spring which is also popularly known as springtime is one of the four temperate seasons. This season comes after the winter season and before Summer. In this season daytime length increases and nighttime length decreases. The season of spring and also known as “springtime”, refers to the season, and also to notions of revival, rejuvenation, renewal, regeneration, and regrowth.
The spring season in India starts in the month of February and ends in the month of March. This season is Sunny and pleasant.
Autumn which is also considered as ‘fall’ in North American English, is another season among the four temperate seasons. Outside the tropics, autumn marks the evolution from summer to winter. Autumn is the season when the interval of daylight becomes noticeably shorter and the temperature cools extensively. The day length decreases and the nighttime increases. The season unfolds until the Winter Solstice in December and June.
One of its major characteristics of this season is the striking change in the color of the leaves of deciduous trees as they are ready to shed them. In India, this season starts at the end of September and ends at the end of November.
India witnesses two types of monsoons. The first type of monsoon influences the bulk of the country. This is known as the southwest monsoon. The southwest monsoon begins in June from Kerala then gradually dissipates across the rest of the country. The southwest monsoon normally persists from June to September. The monsoon season is characterized by heavy rain and cold breezes across the country.
The northeast monsoon is the other type of monsoon. This monsoon affects the parts of South India and particularly the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala. The Northeast monsoon generally takes place in December and November.
Why do seasons change ?

Seasons tend to change because of the Earth’s tilted axis and sun’s light. Earth is a little tilted on its axis and it’s hence not in a straight axis. The Earth keeps on rotating on its own axis and also revolving around the Sun. In most of the countries, including the western countries, you get to see four seasons in a year. The seasons being, the Spring season, the Summer season, the Fall or Autumn season and at the end the Winter season. There are twelve months in a year and each season roughly lasts for some three months.
When the Earth is moving around its axis (rotation) along with its revolutionary movement, then different parts of the world get different amount of heat of the sun and hence it causes different seasons in different parts of the world. Majorly, it is the sun which causes different seasons on Earth. There would have been no seasons if the Earth was not revolving around the Sun.
How to make kids learn Season names?

It is often very tough for young kids to learn the tough English season names. This is because the kids are continuously learning new and complex English words and concepts. Learning Season names is a little tough because it’s not as easy as learning about the other alphabets. Given below are few tricks that will help your kid memorise the tough season names a little faster:
Season Tree: Make a beautiful season Tree by painting your kids hands and then placing them on plane paper. Write name of one season in each colour and then it would be fun to learn them too.
Sorting activities: Make a table for your child and let her write in each section about the things she does in a particular season. For example, ask her to write about the ice creams and water melon she eats in the summer table and the woolen clothes she wear and the hot coffee she drinks in the winter table. These sorting activities will help your child to memorise easily about the different seasons and their names.
Read Season specific books: There are so many books in the market which specifically teach about the seasons to the kids. These story and comic books will help your child to learn the season names faster because the entire book would be the particular season centric and hence your kid will repeatedly read the season’s name and will slowly learn it too.