Friends are amazing. Even better, best friends are “awesome“. Some quotes are very short. Few are very cute. Few of these you can send to your friends immediately. These 40 friendship quotes are great to share with friends.
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Would you jump off a cliff with your friend? You might do it if you were in a barrel full of laughs. Your friends are those who get you – and who will get your jokes, no matter how corny. Looking for ideas? These funny movie quotations and funny marriage statements will keep your friends laughing. You’re probably already laughing, so take a look at these funny quotes. Next, relax with these funny friendship quotes. Enjoy a good laugh and then share it with your best friend. You might also want to share best friends quotes while you are at it.

You may follow celebrities, meme-creators, and influencers, but Instagram is all about your closest friends. Your feed will likely include lots of photos of the friends you love most.
Although it may seem that captions for travel photos or selfies should be reserved, there are many hilarious quotes about friendship that you can copy and paste in the captions of your photos with your friends.
Also, read memorable quotes by APJ Abdul Kalam

OMG Quotes on Friendship!!!
While friendships can be full of heartwarming and serious moments, it is important to have fun with friends daily. However, Humor is (or should) be) a key component in any friendship.
- We are best friends. Remember that I will always pick you up if you fall…after I have finished laughing.
- Friendship should be built on the foundation of alcohol, sarcasm, and inappropriateness.
- You can have everything if you have weird friends.
- I would take a bullet to save you. But not in the head. Not in the head, but in the leg or some other part.
- Many people would love the opportunity to ride in your limousine with you. However, you will need someone who can also take you on the bus in the event that the limo breaks down.
- To be my friend, you don’t need to be insane. You can trust me.
- Many people would love to ride in your limo with you, but you need someone who will also take you on the bus if the limo breaks down.
- Your best friend is the one you can be mad at for a brief time, but have important things to say.
- I hope we’re friends until we die. I wish we could be ghost friends, walk through walls, and scare the crap out of everyone.
- We are more than just friends. We are like a small gang.
- Friends are people who know you well and love you.
- Friends are good friends and discuss their sex lives. Talk about poop with best friends.
- Sometimes I think “What is a friend?” Then, I say “Friend is someone you share the last cookie with.”
- You shouldn’t do stupid things alone with good friends.
- True friends are those who believe you are a good egg, even though you may be slightly damaged.
- Friends are there to offer support and a place to cry on. Best friends can also help you hurt the person who made you cry.
- Moving is easier with a good friend. A best friend can help you move a body that isn’t there.
- I don’t know which is tighter, our jeans or our friendship.
- It’s one of the many blessings of old friends that it is possible to laugh with them.
- Friends offer therapy for no cost.
- Our friendship has been so strong that I don’t know which of us is the negative influence.
- It is the friends that you can call at 4 a.m. who matter.
- Your best friends are aware of how insane you are, but still want to see you in public.
- Only you and your closest friends will know when your face is dirty.
- Friends buy you food. Your food is shared with your best friends.
- This is the privilege to be friends and to share her nonsense.
- My best friends and I can communicate with each other using facial expressions.
- It’s more fun to have a conversation with someone who uses short, simple words, such as “What about lunch?”
- We’ll always be friends because we’re too lazy to find new friends.
- I am grateful that you have remained my friend, despite being fully aware of every frightening, raunchy, and explicit detail in my life.
- We will remain, friends, until we are old and frail. Then, we’ll be new friends.
- Friendship is not measured in how many things they can talk about, but the number of things that they don’t need to discuss.
- God chose best friends for us because he knew that our mom wouldn’t be able to handle us as sisters.
- Don’t allow your friends to become lonely.
- A friend can always tell you if you aren’t being real.
- Talking to your friend in strange conversations and thinking, “If anyone heard us, they’d be put into a mental hospital.”
- True friendship is when a friend comes to your house and you then take a break.
- Nothing is better than a friend, except if it’s a friend with chocolate.
- We’ll be the trouble-making old ladies in the nursing homes.
- Because you know too much, we’ll always be best friends.
Why Quotes Are Important

A great quote can make a powerful article. A good quote can tell a story, and increase the credibility of a news release, press release, or speech. A well-crafted sentence can have a lasting effect on the world. On my way to work, I pass a reader board, and each day a new quote streams across the screen. Also, Every day I look forward to seeing what inspiring message I’ll find on my way home from work. This is what words can do.
These are some of the most memorable quotes that have remained relevant long after their delivery.
Memorable Quotes by Famous Personalities
- California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, “I’ll Be Back,” is his most famous quote. It’s not from his time in the office but the big screen.
- Johnnie Cochran, defense attorney, stated that a glove used in the O.J. as evidence of murder was sufficient. Simpson’s trial was too small.
- Nancy Reagan’s slogan for anti-drug campaigns is “Just Say No!”
- “Read my lips: no new taxes,” George H.W. Bush accepts the GOP nomination in New Orleans.
- “In the 21st Century, it is not enough to leave no one behind. Barack Obama asked Congress to revise the No Child Left Behind law, which was enacted in 2000. It requires public school students to be tested regularly and must be measured by the fall.

When creating the words that will be used for a company, product, or person, it is important to remember what words have grabbed our attention. You want your message to be clear, concise, and compelling as a spokesperson. It doesn’t hurt to use catchy language.

We want to speak clearly and concisely, but we also want to use words that are universal beyond the news cycle.

Funny Captions
- “Best friends don’t care if your home is clean.” They don’t care if your house is clean ~ Unknown
- “It’s more fun to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t use long, complicated words, but rather uses short, simple words such as, “What about lunch?” ~ A. A. Milne
- “It is hard to find someone who is kind, caring, generous, caring, and intelligent. “Don’t lose me, my advice to you all.” ~ Unknown
- “Good friends won’t let you do stupid things… alone.” ~ Unknown
- “Friendship between two women is impossible if one is well dressed.” ~ Laurie ColwinÂ
- “I can’t recall which of us has been the bad influence, even though we’ve been friends so many years. ~ Unknown
- “There is nothing more than a friend. Unless it is a friend with chocolate.” ~ Linda Grayson
- “Most people don’t require a psychiatric counselor as much as they need a friend to laugh with.” ~ Unknown
- “I like you because you share in my weirdness.” ~ Unknown
- “Some people go to the priests, others to poetry, I go to my friends.” ~ Virginia WoolfÂ
- “There is nothing better than a friend unless it’s a friend with chocolate.” — Linda Grayson
- “Friends buy you food. Your food is shared with your best friends. ~ Unknown
- “I am the friend that you must explain to your friends before they can meet me.” ~ Unknown
- “Knowledge can’t replace friendship.” I would rather lose you than be an idiot. ~ Unknown
- “It is a privilege to have a friend who can talk nonsense and has her nonsense respected.” ~ Charles Lamb
- “Friendship is so strange… You pick someone you know and then you go and do things with them. ~ Unknown
- “Friendship is not easy for anyone who has never been a true friend!”
- “Friendship is so strange… You pick someone you know and then you go and do things with them. ~ Unknown
- Real friendship is when your friend visits your home and then you take a rest.” ~ Unknown
- “You don’t have to be insane to be my friend.” You can train me.” ~ Unknown
- “I want you to smile when you look at your phone.” Next, walk up to a pole. ~ Unknown
- “Love is blind, friendship tries to not notice.” ~ Otto von Bismarck
- “Pumping with someone is the best way to make old friends.” ~ Unknown
- “Friend” is someone who knows everything about you, but still loves you. ~ Elbert Hubbard
- “I would walk through fire to save my best friend. It’s not fire that would be dangerous. A super humid room… but not too hot because, you know, my hair.” ~ Unknown
- “We will always be friends until we are old and senile… then, we can become new friends.” ~ Unknown
- “I was once an innocent being… then my best friend came along.” ~ Linda H. DiscoverÂ
- “We are best friends. Remember that I will always pick you up if you fall…after I have finished laughing. ~ Unknown
- “You and I are more than just friends. We are like a small gang.” Unknown
- “I believe we will be friends forever because we are too lazy to make new friends.” ~ Unknown
- “You were right to say ‘I hate her too.'” ~ Unknown
- “Real friends aren’t offended when you insult their feelings.” They will smile and call your insults even more offensive. ~ Unknown
- “A good friend will try to bail you out when you are in jail.” Your best friend will be next to you and say, “Damn, that was great!” ~ Unknown
- “Best friends. They are aware of how crazy you can be and will still choose to see you in public. ~ Unknown
- “A friend is like a four-leaf clover. It’s hard to find but lucky to have.” ~ Unknown
- “You can always tell a friend real: When you make a fool out of yourself, he doesn’t think you’ve ever had a job.” ~ Laurence J. Peter
- “Friends go and come, like the waves in the ocean, but true friends stay, like an oyster on your face.” ~ Unknown
- “I can see that you have sarcastic undertones and rude comments. I know you are not a good friend.” ~ Unknown
- A good friend can help you move. A best friend can help you move a body that isn’t there. ~ Unknown
- “A friend is someone who allows you to be yourself.” ~ Unknown
- “I might not always be there with you, but I will always support you.” ~ Unknown

These Quotes Show How Amazing Friendships Can Look
One of the greatest joys in life is being with your best friend. Deep friendships like these offer solace during hard times and laugh-til-your-face-hurts happiness other times. Your friendship will continue where it left off, even if you have been apart for a year or more. Your best friends may be the first to share a “Happy birthday” tribute via social media. They might also text you some of their favorite friendship verses to encourage and motivate you, as well as gift you with a wonderful gift that they know you will love. You’re so happy to have found someone you can be completed around, no matter if it was at college or a campfire with your kids.
It’s been difficult to keep in touch with people lately. But you’ve had a few girl nights over Zoom, socially distant hikes, or coffee dates and it feels great to be connected, no matter how digitally or in person. These quotes will prove that friendship is key to a healthy mind and heart. Best friends are the ones who make the world a better place.

You can send this to your best friend/Friend if he/she is angry
- “She is a friend to my mind and gathers me, man. She gathers the pieces that I am and gives them back to me in the correct order.” ~ Toni MorrisonÂ
- “A stranger may have a friend waiting behind him.” ~ Unknown
- “The truth is that no matter how lonely or alone you feel …. You can choose your family.” ~ Unknown
- “Life is a terrible, ugly place to be without a best friend.” ~ Sarah Desse
- “The greatest gift anyone can give is to share themselves,” I believe. ~ Oprah
- “One friend who has a lot in common with you is better than three friends with whom it’s difficult to find something to talk about.” ~ Unknown
- “Try to find a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” ~ Unknown
- “A sweet friend refreshes the spirit.” ~ Unknown
- “There is no word yet for old friends who have just met.” ~ Jim Henson
- “A friend is someone who understands and believes in you, and is open to you as you are.” ~ Unknown
- Friendship takes effort. It takes a lot of effort to make friends, nurture friendships, and schedule face time. It’s well worth the effort. Positive friends will make your life amazing if you put in the work. ~ Unknown
- “True friends are always with each other in spirit.” L. M. Montgomery
- Can you imagine if we treated ourselves as well as our best friend? ~ Meghan MarkleÂ
- “I don’t know what I would do if my girlfriends weren’t there.” ~ Unknown
- “Awards can become corroded.” Friends don’t gather dust. ~ Jesse Owens
- “Anything is possible when the right people are there to support and guide you.” ~ Misty Copeland
- “Friend” is someone who looks over your broken fence and appreciates the flowers in it. ~ Unknown
- “A good friend can be like a four-leaf clover. It’s hard to find, but it is a lucky thing to have.”~ Unknown
- “I would do anything for my friends who are truly my friends.” ~ Unknown
- “Friendships between women are made of a thousand small kindnesses… shared back and forth,” says any woman.
- “True friendship is when there’s no one to interrupt.”
- “Friendship is one of the most difficult things in the world to explain. You don’t learn it in school. If you don’t know the meaning of friendship then you aren’t learning anything.”
- “Friendship is what will hold the world together forever.”
- “Each friend represents an entire world within us, a universe that may not have been born until they arrive. It is only through this meeting that a new, better world can be created.”
- “A single rose can become my garden…a single friend, my whole world.”
- “Growing apart does not change the fact we grew side-by-side for a long period; our roots will always be tangled. That’s something I am grateful for.
- “A true friend is someone who doesn’t get in your way, even if you are going down.”
- “Let’s be thankful to those who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners that make our souls bloom.”
- “Friends” are the rare individuals who ask us how we are doing and then wait to hear our answers.
- “A true friend is someone who believes you are a good egg, even though you may be slightly cracked.”
- “Friends are the ones you make for yourself.”
- “Friendship is the golden thread which ties all of the world’s hearts.”
- “Some people come and make such an impact on your life that you cannot even remember what it was like without them.”
- “A friend is a good friend who knows your best stories. But a best friend has lived them with me.”
- “Majority of people will leave footprints on your life, but true friends will stay.”
- “There is nothing better than a trustworthy, reliable, and good friend.” Nothing.”
- “There is nothing more than a friend. Unless it is a friend with chocolate.”
- “My best friend is the one who brings out my best.”
- “Family is the greatest gift in life.”
- “What is a friend?” One soul in two bodies.
- “Women’s friendships can be like a source of renewable power.
- True friendship is rarer than true love.
- “The only way you can have a friend is to be one.”
- “It’s not true that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. It’s your best friends who will be your diamonds.”
- “Understanding and being understood is one of the greatest qualities of true friendship.”
- “A true friend is someone who comes in when everyone else leaves.”
- “Friends are the brothers and sisters God has not given us.”
- “A friend” is someone who knows everything about you, but still loves you.
- “Friendship is formed when one person tells another, “You too?” “I thought I was the only one.
- “The best discovery true friends make is that they can both grow apart without becoming apart.
- “True friendship resists distance, time, and silence.”
- Walking with a friend in darkness is better than walking in the light alone.
- “It seemed they were always, and will always be, friends. It is possible for time to change but that does not mean they will.

- What are the best quotes for a best friend?
- Short Friendship Quotations
- Another word for love is friendship. – …
- Squad goals! – …
- It is the friends that you can call at 4 a.m. who matter. – …
- To be a friend, you must first be one. – …
- A friend is all that the heart desires. – …
- Friendship is the greatest gift in life, and it has been given to me.
2. What a true friend is the quote?
2. “A friend is someone who looks over your broken fence and admires your garden flowers.”
3. How can you make your best friend feel special?
3. A genuine compliment can make someone feel special. There is nothing better than a genuine compliment from a friend. You can brighten someone’s day by showing your appreciation. Spread some love!
4. How do I describe my best friend?
Not to criticize or complain, but to give honest opinions. The need to smile, remember their names and be genuinely interested in the people you wish to make friends with. Being a good listener and getting them to share their stories, then moving on to discussing things that are of interest to them.
Selfless: sincere
Love: mutual